Hello fashionistas! I am bringing you one more style inspiration or better yet inspirationS! They are gorgeous, they are hot, they are rich, they are your favourite girls-GOSSIP GIRLS! So, I am literally in love in Blair's wardrobe, better say in her whole character! I adore her classiness and femininity. I sometimes feel tingles when I see that beautiful Dior's and Chanel's dresses and gowns. And of course, not just Dior and Chanel- there is a sea of great and famous designers, worn by not just Blair, but Serena, Lily, Jenny and even Vanessa. I love Serena's outfits too, because they are so sexy, but classy and haute couture inspired. She really can wear almost everything and look spectacular because she has a smokin' hot body haha! No, she really has a great figure.
You will notice I posted most pictures of Blair and Serena, but I like other characters too. I did not find a lot of good pictures of Lily, but she often really does have amazing outfits that scream UPPER EAST SIDE! And as for Jenny and Vanessa, I think they could sometimes look a little bit better, because Jenny sometimes look like a girl with dubious moral, because she is too trashy and cheapy looking. Yes I know that is a part of her role, but still, I think she could look much better. But sometimes she really does suprises us with some rockin' outfits! Vanessa, what can I say about her? Well, she is a very pretty girl, I like her face contours very much, but sometimes they put too much colours on her, especially in seasons 1 and 2. But I like most of her looks in seasons 3 and 4 ( I did not watch 5th season yet), she looks really fresh. In the end, she is perfect for her role, like everyone else, so not everything must be like we want it to be.
Enough said, let's take a look at this style icons!
Pozdrav fashionistas! Danas vam donosim još jednu style inspiraciju, ili još bolje rečeno- inspiracije! One su divne, one su zgodne, one su bogate, one su vaše omiljene djevojke-TRAČERICE! Ja sam, naime, doslovno zaljubljena u Blairinu garderobu, ili još bolje u cijeli njezin lik! Obožavam njezinu eleganciju i ženstvenost. Ponekada se naježim kada vidim sve te predivne Diorove i Chanelove haljine. No naravno, ne samo Dior i Chanel, tu je more velikih i poznatih dizajnera, koje nosi ne samo Blair, već i Serena, Lily, Jenny čak i Vanessa. Obožavam također i Serenine outfite zato jer su veoma seksi, ali otmjeni i inspirirani visokom modom (što zapravo i jesu, jel). Ona zbilja može obući bilo što i izgledati spektakularno zato jer ima seeeksii tijelo haha! Ne, zbilja, ima odličnu figuru.
Primjetit ćete da sam stavila većinu Blairinih i Sereninih slika, ali nije to zato što mi se drugi likovi ne sviđaju, dapače. Naime, nisam našla baš puno dobrih slika od Lily, ali ona vrlo često ima predivne stajlinge koji sami vrište UPPER EAST SIDE! A što se tiče Jenny i Vanesse, smatram da bi one ponekada mogle izgledati i malo bolje zato jer Jenny ponekada izgleda kao cura sumnjivog morala zbog pretjeranog trashy i jeftinog looka. Da, svjesna sam da je i to dio njezine uloge, ali opet, mislim da bi mogla izgledati i bolje. Ali, da ne bi sve bilo negativno, Jenny nas ponekad zbilja zna iznenaditi s predobrim outfitima! Vanessa, što reći o njoj? Pa, ona je veoma lijepa djevojka, jako mi se sviđaju crte njezina lica, no ponekad mi stave previše boja na nju, pogotovo u 1. i 2. sezoni. Ali sviđa mi se većina njezinih lookova iz 3. i 4. sezone (nisam još pogledala 5. sezonu), izgleda jako svježe. Na koncu, ona je savršena za svoju ulogu, kao i svi ostali i ne može sve biti kako bismo mi htjeli da bude!
Dosta priče, pogledajmo te stilske ikone!
this is one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen!
Mrs Oscar de la Renta, my hero! <3
I would definitely like to look like her in her ages! Amazing!
Treeeees joliee! <3
this is one of the most perfect outfits Blair has ever worn!
Aren't they just perfect? <3
Bonjour, Blair! <3
amaaazing mermaid dress! I'm sooo in love in it!
Godiva chocolate and Serena. Perfection!
trashy, but works! I acctually like Jenny's outfit on this pic! And I do not have to say anything for miss Blair <3
she is really beautful here <3
they really are picture perfect!
I love her hair ,too!
comfy and layery Vanessa! I like it!
she looks very good in red
and she does,too! Stunning dress, really.
this Marc Jacobs pretty took my heart months ago
you all know how I feel about the polka dots <3
yeeeelloooow! Yellow really is my favourite colour and I would die for a coat like this one!
twinkle ,twinkle Serena!
yellow, you know.
sooo romantic! <3
I must say, I am in love in both dresses equally!
I like this clean look on Jenny. It fits her muuuch better!
she looks pretty cool on this one, big like!
ok, she is gorgeous here. This dress fits her perfectly!
pretty lady in pretty Valentino <3
lady in red <3
she has really nice face contours (and wrinkles haha)
Paris chic!
pastel perfect!
she looked stunning on her "wedding"
black is black, ok
the picture says everything <3
they are amazing just the way the are <3
she is really pretty, isn't she?
comfy again, but looking pretty good!
xo, Gossip Gi.. I meeean ,Tasha!
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