subota, 2. lipnja 2012.


Hey guys! I'm bringing you today my favourite parfumes that I use everyday. I know that people usually have one or two favourites, but I really can not decide witch one do I love the most! I'm a big parfume addict and I love it! When I'm sad or angry, I buy myself a parfume or a nail polish and I feel much, much better. This, of course, isn't my whole collection, I (hardly) picked out five apsolute favourites! Hope you like it!

And one not really good news! My school is ending in two weeks, so I have a tooooons of work to do! I have my finnals and I really can't joke with that. SO, I'll be absent for a whole week probably and I'm asking you to understand me :)) Thank you! :)

Pozdrav ljudi! Danas vam donosim top 5 mojih omiljenih parfema koje koristim svakodnevno. Znam da ljudi obično imaju jedan ili dva omiljena, ali ja se zbilja ne mogu odlučiti jer ih sve obožavam! Veliki sam ovisnik o parfemima i moram priznati da mi se sviđa to! Uvijek kad sam tužna ili ljuta, kupim novi parfem ili lak za nokte i osjećam se puno, puno bolje. Ovo, NARAVNO, nije moja cijela kolekcija, jedva sam izabrala pet baš, baš omiljenih! Nadam se da vam se sviđaju!

I jedna ne tako dobra vijest! Škola mi završava za dva tjedna, a ta činjenica za sobom vuče hrpu nedovršenog posla! Čekaju me finalni ispiti i zbilja se ne mogu zezati s time. Najvjerojatnije ću biti odsutna cijeli idući tjedan, stoga vas molim za razumijevanje :) Hvala! :)

this is my number one! Sun by Jil Sander. My mum used this parfume for years and I started to use it 3 years ago and it is always on my must-buy list! You can also see my new necklace (H&M) here! It's gorgeous, I am going to wear it in one of my next posts so you'll be able to see it better.

La Prairie- SEER! Gotsh, I love this parfume, it is perfect from day to night. You get addicted to it!

Versace- Crystal Noir. I bought it last summer, this bottle is almost empty, but I'll buy a new one for sure! It is apsolutely amazing!

Gucci Guilty. Like a magic in the bottle. It is specific like all Gucci parfumes (I have a Gucci Envy also, but I kinda got enought of it haha) , I got it from my aunt for this Christmas ( love my aunt the most, not because of the parfume, of course) and I just can't stop to use it! Just perfect.

Alien by Thierry Mugler. He (yes, he, they are alive for me haha) shares first spot with SUN. I can't find the words to describe this parfume! It's just amazing, I think I'll never get sick of it! This is also one of the best presents ever (thanks to my boyfriend <3) 

you can also follow me on my Fb page:

XO, Tasha

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