ponedjeljak, 7. svibnja 2012.

Green take over

What a lovley day again! I feel so relaxed and happy, I don't even mind studying for 4 hours a day!
Nature... Nature really is heaven on Earth! All that trees, flowers, little birdies lullabies.. Try to take a walk in the wood alone sometimes. Talk to the trees, meet the flowers, just become united with them! They don't mind when you talk about your problems, your problems are actually half-solved when you say them out loud. You can also scream as long as you want- if you feel so down you think no one can help you- go in the wood, scream your problems away, it works!
You got the point, try it and see it yourself and I'll keep posting this kind of posts in hope I'll actually help or inspirate at least a couple of you.
And that's it ,hope U like this pics. Bisous to my pretty fashionistas!

I prošao je još jedan divan dan! Osjećam se tako opušteno i sretno, ne smeta mi čak ni učiti po 4 sata dnevno!
Priroda.. Priroda zbilja je raj na Zemlji! Svo to drveće, cvijeće, uspavanke malenih ptičica.. Pokušajte ponekada sami prošetati šumom. Razgovarajte s drvećem, upoznajte cvijeće, postanite ujedinjeni s njima! Oni se neće naljutiti ako im pričate o svojim problemima; problem je, naime, napola riješen ako ga kažete naglas. Možete i vrištati koliko god vam srce želi- ako se osjećate potišteno i mislite da vam nitko ne može pomoći: zađite u šumu i odvrištite svoje probleme, pomaže!
Shvatili ste poantu mojih riječi, pokušajte i uvjerite se, a ja ću nastaviti pisati ovakve postove u nadi da ću nekome zbilja biti od pomoći ili da ću inspirirati barem nekolicinu od vas.
I to je to, nadam se da vam se sviđaju slike. Šaljem puse mojim lijepim fasionisticama!

yellow feather <33

blaizer: Stradivarius
shirt: H&M
traggings: H&M
bag: Gucci 
necklace: Six
bracelates: Pupa and Salvatore Ferragamo

you can also follow me on my Fb page:

XO, Tasha

Broj komentara: 26:

  1. Love the green blazer! Thnx, I cant see where if it's bloglovin or gfc, anyway I follow you on bloglovin now! Ps. where is your gfc list, so I can follow you there too?



    1. Thank you :) I actually don't know where should I put and how should I put that :/

  2. Predivna kombinacija!
    Blejzer mi je savršen!


  3. Odlican post! :)


  4. Your jeans, boots and blazer are amazing! Have a lovely day!

    Love from Germany,

  5. Blazer color is amazing and so are the accessories!


  6. so pretty!

    p.s. I'm having a jewelry giveaway if you'd like to check it out. :)
    devorelebeaumonstre.com xx

  7. you're a doll!!!very beautiful!
    I like so much your Blazer and your bag!
    Great boots as well!
    lovely blog sweetie!
    (thank you for your sweet comments!)
    we would love to keep in touch!
    how about following each other?-i'm following via bloglovin now!hope to follow back!
    lots of kisses! :)

    1. Thanks pretties! <3

      I'm already following you on Bloglovin'!

      Bisous, Nela

  8. Hi sweety!!
    love your look...your traggings are perfect..I want ones!



